AngularJS File Directive

20 May 2014 angularjs, directive, file, and javascript

A common component in web applications is the form <input type="file">. To connect this input any kind of logic or just render a preview of the selected files tends to be a hassle involving a POST to some server-side code. For some cases it would be a lot easier containing parts of this on the client-side.

After implementing this for various angular projects a pretty useful directive started to emerge.


angular.module('myApp', ['file']);
<!-- Bind the values to $scope.files -->
<input type="file"

<!-- Render the selected files directly in the view -->
<div ng-repeat="file in files">
  <h4>{{ }}</h4>
  <img alt="{{ }}"
    ng-src="data:{{ file.type }};base64,{{ file.body }}">


  • {{ }}

    {{ }}

How it works

  • Listen for change in input element.
    • For each targeted file:
      1. Read the file as text or binary string.
      2. Base64 encode body if file type is binary string.
      3. Compile type, name & body.
      4. Apply new values to $scope when last file is done.


Install with Bower:

$ bower install angular-file-directive

Include from a RawGit’s CDN:

<script src="//"></script>

Or download manually.

The code

Please check it out on GitHub and submit any issues encountered.

Setting up this site

22 Jan 2014 tutorial, hosting, and jekyll

For most of my projects I use Git as source control and store them on GitHub. They offer a service called Github Pages where you can host static pages. There you have a static page generator tool called Jekyll out of the box witch takes care of the most boring parts and a CDN in front for better hosting performance. You can do this a number of ways and here here is one.

Get started

  1. Get an account on GitHub.

  2. Create a new repository called Don’t forget to replace username with your own GitHub username in all of the examples.

  3. Open up the terminal

$ gem install jekyll
# Installs jekyll
$ jekyll new
# Generates boilerplate
$ cd
$ git init
# Sets up the Git files
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m 'first commit'
$ git remote add origin
# Pointing it at your GitHub repository
$ git push origin master
# Sends your changes to GitHub
  1. Go to and take a look at the result.


Edit _config.yml file to your own liking. Check Jekyll Configuration to see what is avalible.

Local preview

Go to the root of your project and run

$ jekyll server --watch
Configuration file: /project/_config.yml
            Source: /project
       Destination: /project/_site
 Auto-regeneration: enabled for '/project'
Configuration file: /project/_config.yml
    Server address:
  Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.

Go to to preview your changes.